Martes, Pebrero 7, 2012

Prayer for those who travel

Ogla + Pentagrammaton + On + Athanatos + Anasareon + On + Pentareon + carries + Cross +
Agratam + herd + light + Tetatustus + of the man + Tomon + Tetragrammaton + Jesus + God + Lord of
all thimgs + Mercy + Most High.
My Lord, deliver me, I say, by all the Holy Names. My recourse, through you, my God, who is
everywhere, remember. Lord, your Bounty will deliver me from the obstacles of my enemies, visible as
well as invisible. I ask you, Lord, by the force and virtue of the Holy Cross, + by the merits of all your
However, Jesus passing in the midst of them, came. + Jesus Christ, Son of the Great Living God, + have
pity on me.

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